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Oriole Strong: Finish Strong!

Concordia High School: 117 SW 11th St, Concordia, MO 64020 PH:660-463-2246 Fax: 660-463-4081

Concordia R-2 School District

Gameplan For Greatness = Attendance + Academics + Character + Involvement + Effort!



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Students of the Quarter

CHS Students of First Quarter

Callie Weber- Senior

Jule Freytag--Junior

Layla Wycoff--Sophomore

Taylor Gard-Freshmen

Anja Oberdorfer--8th Grade

Gracie Brackman--7th Grade


CHS Student/Athletes of First Quarter

Aaron Brown--High School Male

Alex Oetting--High School Female

Ethan Edwards--JH Boy Athlete

Lilly Fuehring--JH Girl Athlete



Concordia High School * 117 SW 11th Street * PO Box 879 * Concordia, MO 64020 * 660.463.2246 * 660.463.4081 fax