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Concordia R-2 School District

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Gifted Talented Screening and Identification Procedures


Concordia R-2 Schools

Screening and Identification Procedures


The following procedures are to be followed when considering a student for placement in the Concordia R-2 Gifted Program.  The placement process is two fold, including a screening phase and an identification phase.



  • Parents, classroom teachers, or another school official can refer a student for placement in the gifted program.  Referral can occur any time during the school year.
  • Teachers in the gifted program will annually screen NWEA test scores for students who may be eligible for placement.
  • A screening meeting consisting of a gifted teacher, special services director or administrator, and grade level classroom teacher(s) will take place for each student that is referred.
  • The following criteria must be met by a student for further evaluation for the gifted program:
    1. 90th percentile or above in 2 out of 3 core areas on NWEA
    2. Consensus of committee that student should be evaluated further



  • Students must meet the following criteria for placement into the Concordia R-2 Gifted Program:
    • Full Scale IQ Score of 125 or higher on one of the following: WISC-III, Leiter, Stanford-Binet, or Toni III (other populations 120)
    • Team recommendation of need



Once all evaluation instruments have been completed, the screening and identification committee will meet again to evaluate results and determine if student is eligible for placement.


Student must meet 2 out of 3 of the Evaluation Instruments for identification and placement into the program. 
The 3 Evaluation Instruments are:

  • NWEA scores
  • Full-scale IQ score
  • Team recommendation of need.


The Concordia R-2 School Board will annually review the Screening and Identification procedures to ensure that these procedures continue to meet the needs of the Concordia R-2 School and its students.



Steps of Gifted Referral, Screening, & Evaluation


Steps of Gifted Referral, Screening, & Evaluation

Step 1: Student Referral Form is filled out by teacher, parent, guardian, etc. & reviewed by Gifted Teacher (GT).


Step 2: GT pulls district screeners & assessments (i.e. NWEA) to verify that scores are at or above 90th percentile in 2 of the 3 areas (Math, ELA, Science). Screening Meeting is held to discuss data (gifted teacher, special services director or administrator, and grade level classroom teacher).

Screening Criteria Not Met = Process Stopped

(Person who made the referral will be notified)

Step 3: If Screening Criteria is met, a permission to test letter will be sent home.

Permission Not Granted = Process Stopped

Step 4: IQ Test is administered.

Placement Meeting is held to discuss score and placement potential (gifted teacher, special services director or administrator, and grade level classroom teacher).

IQ Score BELOW 125 = Student NOT eligible. (Parents and/or person who made referral will be notified)

Step 5: If student IQ score is 125 or above and the team agrees, a permission for enrollment letter will be sent home.