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Concordia R-2 School District

Student Resources


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Student Expectations during Distance Learning

Distance Learning Expectations for Students

  • I can communicate with my teacher during contracted hours:

    • 8:05-3:20 for CES

    • 8:00-3:15 for CHS 

    • Emails after contract time will be answered the next day.  I can remain in regular communication with the teacher through email, google meets, phone calls, etc., for clarity on procedures, schedule, online meetings, or any other items pertinent for academic success.

    • CHS students: I will check my school email at least once daily to stay in communication with teachers in addition to participating in my Google classrooms.

  • Supplies and hard copies (if teachers are using hard copies with their google classrooms) can be picked up on Mondays from 7:30 am-6:00 pm to assist in completing the learning activities assigned.  

  • Teachers will give instruction for each class/period 

    • CES will have their core classes (For example, ELA, Math, Science, S.S, Spelling/Pathways)

    • CES Specials classes work should be done once a week

    • CHS classes will have work provided by each teacher. I will check in with my teacher via google classroom daily. 

  • Teachers will add an assignment for each class/period

    • CHS students:  I know some teachers will assign work daily and some will assign the work for the week.  I understand they do this because each content area is a bit different.

  • Teachers will schedule a google meet time for each subject area to answer questions and help with assignments.  

    • If you don’t need help you do not have to attend the google meets.

    • Would like everyone to attend at least one Google meet a week so the teacher can make sure you are doing well and don’t need anything. 

    • If you are unable to attend a google meet at least once a week, you will contact the teacher via email/Google Stream (in google classroom) or phone at least once a week.  

  • If your device does not have camera or microphone capability

    • You can still join Google meets for questions or concerns. You can enter the meet with the teacher with a phone call to a number provided or you can join and just type in questions/comments and teachers can read the question and answer. 

  • Tests/Assessments

    • Online tests will be given. Students must take the test the day it is posted (8:00 am-11:59 pm) or it is considered incomplete.  

      • Primary students pre-k-2 will have time to take the test from Friday 8:00 am - Monday 8:00 am

      • Teachers will make sure to let students know in advance (at least the day prior) when tests are scheduled. If students have a conflict (illness or technology), they must communicate to the teacher in advance. 

      • HS students will often only have a class period to take their test.