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Miss Katie's ECSE Updates and Reminders


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ABC Countdown to Summer: A- Animal Day!
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ABC Countdown to Summer: H- Hat Day!
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ABC Countdown to Summer: P- Pajama Day

Important End of the Year Dates

Friday, May 10 will be Very Fancy Day for our ABC Countdown to Summer. Please have your students wear their fanciest clothes. I will be taking end of the year pictures today while they’re in their fancy clothes. If you’d like your child to change into play clothes afterwards, please send them in their backpacks and we will have them change. 

On Monday, May 13, the elementary will participate in an educational animal experience at the HS in the morning, then a kickball tournament in the afternoon. Oriole Strong Houses will compete against each other for the tournament, then students will be able to take their House shirts home with them!

Tuesday, May 14 is our Field Trip to Crown Center. PLEASE have your students wear their orange Oriole Strong shirts! Students do NOT need to bring their backpacks. The bus will run the regular morning route (parents of AM bus riders that are attending may get on with their student), then pick up everyone else at the school before heading out. Parent, please make sure your child uses the bathroom and eats breakfast BEFORE we leave! If you said you would be attending the field trip, please make sure you’re ready to leave on time. We will return at approximately 1 o’clock. The bus will then run the regular dismissal route immediately after dropping everyone else off.

Thursday, May 16 is the last day, Promotion Day, Field Day, and an early out. Promotion Day is for the students going into Kindergarten. They will have the chance to meet their teachers for next year and see their classrooms. Since it is also Field Day, please send your child in clothes they can play in (such as shorts, tennis shoes, etc.). Please do NOT send your child with their backpack as it will just get in the way. ECSE will dismiss at 11:30 and CES will dismiss at 12:30!!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for helping us have such a WONDERFUL year! J J J


Miss Katie